El pintor, escultor y muralista mexicano Federico Cantú es una figura fundamental del arte en México, que exploró disciplinas y fusionó elementos y estilos, dentro y fuera del país, lo que le permitió dotar de una nueva lectura al arte nacional
domingo, 30 de abril de 2017
domingo, 16 de abril de 2017
Museo CYDT
Federico Cantú 1907-1989
La resurrección de Jesús es la creencia religiosa cristiana según la cual, después de haber sido condenado a muerte, Jesús fue resucitado de entre los muertos. Es el principio central de la teología cristiana y forma parte del Credo de Nicea: «Al tercer día resucitó, conforme a las Escrituras».
En el Nuevo Testamento, después de que los romanos crucificaron a Jesús, él fue ungido y enterrado en una tumba nueva por José de Arimatea, pero Dios lo resucitó de entre los muertos y se apareció a muchas personas en un lapso de cuarenta días antes de ascender al cielo, para sentarse a la diestra de Dios.

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017
Traición a Cristo en el huerto de Getsemaní
Esta monumental obra
se refiere a una de las composiciones religiosas más importantes de la
obra que ejecutara en su temprana
madures Federico Cantú . De
acuerdo con los relatos presentados en los Evangelios Sinópticos y en el
Evangelio de San Juan, La Traición de Cristo tiene lugar en el Jardín de
Getsemaní en el Monte de los Olivos.
Una luna creciente,
un cálido resplandor en esta dramática y nocturna escena, en la que un grupo de
soldados y fariseos conducidos por Judas asaltaba el Monte para arrestar a
Cristo aparece como figura central dispuesto ya
amanera de composición simétrica los apóstoles de un lado izquierdo y del
derecho La Traición
la escena.

La tercera y final es la perteneciente a la Capilla de los
Misioneros , toda esta serie de obras que en su conjunto nos narran los
diferentes pasajes bíblicos que Cantú ejecutara en 1957 para este recinto, sin
duda esta obra es muestra de la visión estética y compositiva de la obra de
Federico Cantú
jueves, 13 de abril de 2017
The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his Apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The Last Supper is commemorated by Christians especially on Maundy Thursday.The Last Supper provides the scriptural basis for the Eucharist, also known as "Holy Communion" or "The Lord's Supper".
The First Epistle to the Corinthians contains the earliest known mention of the Last Supper. The four canonical Gospels all state that the Last Supper took place towards the end of the week, after Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and that Jesus and his Apostles shared a meal shortly before Jesus was crucified at the end of that week.During the meal Jesus predicts his betrayal by one of the Apostles present, and foretells that before the next morning, Peter will deny knowing him

domingo, 9 de abril de 2017
Museo CYDT

The individual who purchased the Dorian Sketchbook at auction in Paris traveled to Mexico and the United States, trying to sell it. He was unable to do so and decided to put it up for auction once again.
The Dorian Sketchbook of Federico Cantú
Scenes from his Private Life
In 1929 Federico Cantú Garza, a young Mexican artist born in Nuevo León in 1907 to the writer María Luisa Garza Garza "Loreley" and the doctor and journalist Adolfo Cantú Jáuregui, fell in love in Mexico City with Luz Fabila Montes De Oca, a young woman from Amanalco, Estado de México. She was the younger sister of Alfonso Fabila Montes De Oca, a writer and anthropologist who at the time was romantically involved with the artist’s mother.
In Mexico City and in the midst of the Cristero War, Federico and Luz pledged their love before God and so united their lives. They then moved, together with the artist’s mother, to Los Angeles, California.
In the United States from 1929 to 1930, the young artist painted numerous canvases as well as several murals, and showed his work in various exhibitions. The artist’s wife, who in time would become a painter herself, gave birth to Ícaro Cantú Fabila in May 1929. Subsequently known as Federico, he would be the only child of their marriage.
Around 1929 and still in Los Angeles, Cantú began working on a sketchbook that he would later call the Dorian Sketchbook, in reference to the pseudonym that he used during that period of time, and in homage to The Picture of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde. His wife bound the sketchbook in leather herself.
The marriage of Federico and Luz deteriorated before the end of 1930, not only because of disagreements between the couple, but also due to conflicts in the relationship between the painter’s mother and his wife’s brother. The artist left for France while his wife returned with their son to Mexico.
The Dorian Sketchbook was taken to Europe among the personal effects that accompanied Cantú on his journey to Paris. Once in France, the Mexican artist continued working on the sketchbook until 1933.
In Paris, the painter lived in the Montparnasse quarter and got to know the most famous figures of bohemian Paris, all the while working on numerous drawings, oil paintings, prints and sculptures, as well as a mural, and showing his work in several galleries.
In 1933 the future of Europe was overshadowed by the rise of Adolph Hitler to power in Germany. The same year, Federico Cantú returned home to Mexico, after having lived in the United States and in France.
As it was impossible to move back to Mexico with all his work, the artist left many drawings, oil paintings and sculptures in his Paris atelier, which were soon lost. Among the many works that Cantú left in Paris in 1933 was the Dorian Sketchbook.
The work left in Cantu’s atelier was probably destroyed, thrown away, or at best, sold off cheap by his landlord. Nothing more was known of the Dorian Sketchbook for several decades.
In 2014, eighty-one years after the disappearance of the artwork left by Federico Cantú in his Montparnasse atelier, an individual contacted Adolfo Cantú Elizarrarás, the painter’s grandson and curator of his work, telling him that as the result of an auction purchase in Paris, he was then in possession of a sketchbook which was said to be the work of the Mexican painter. It came from a private collection in France, the owner of which bought the piece from another person, who in turn inherited it from a family member. Adolfo Cantú, overjoyed by the sudden appearance of an object that he had thought was lost, corroborated the authenticity of the piece.

Sebastian Mennell, an Italian-British antiques dealer living in Mexico, became aware that a European auction house was offering a sketchbook by the artist Federico Cantú: the Dorian Sketchbook. Fascinated by the beauty of the object, he purchased it and brought it back to Mexico.
In November 2016, the aforesaid European dealer decided to show the Dorian Sketchbook in an antiques fair organized in Monterrey. In this fair, the piece was acquired by a Mexican collector.
At that time, a native of Monterrey and great-nephew of Federico Cantú’s wife, heard that his friend the Mexican collector had acquired the Dorian Sketchbook, and asked him for the piece on temporary loan so that it could be shown in an exhibition.
Once he obtained the Dorian Sketchbook on loan, Luz Fabila Montes de Oca’s great-nephew approached his cousin Adolfo Cantú Elizarrarás, proposing that they organize an exhibition focused on this work, to be presented the painter’s birthplace - the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León. Adolfo Cantú Elizarrarás agreed and they began working together on the project.
Thus, LiberArte, a Cultural Program of Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey, has the honor of presenting here in Monterrey the exhibition entitled "The Dorian Sketchbook of Federico Cantú: Scenes from his Private Life". This exhibition is made possible by a private collector’s loan of the work itself, as well as the cooperation of the Federico Cantú Fabila & Elsa E. de Cantú Collection, the Cantú Y De Teresa Collection and the PFGC Collection, in addition to the support of the Centro de las Artes de Nuevo León, through its director, Mr. Jorge García Murillo, in the digitalization of the work.
In this exhibition, the Dorian Sketchbook returns to the land where the master Federico Cantú was born, as a work which forms part of the cultural heritage of Nuevo León and of Mexico itself, and which may now be enjoyed and appreciated by the entire community of Nuevo León, in the month and year in which we celebrate the 110th anniversary of the artist’s birth.
The Dorian Sketchbook – a work which Federico Cantú completed in Los Angeles and Paris between 1929 and 1933 and which has been lost for over eighty years – has now been discovered, restored and is now presented in Monterrey. It is an honor for LiberArte and Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey to participate in this celebration of the Day of Cultural Heritage of Nuevo León, 2017.
Monterrey, Nuevo León
March 2017
viernes, 7 de abril de 2017
El Viernes de Dolores o Viernes de Pasión, es el viernes anterior al Domingo de Ramos, comprendido dentro de la última semana de la Cuaresma, conocida por la religión cristiana como Semana de Pasión. En algunas regiones es considerado como el inicio de la Semana Santa o Semana Mayor, al iniciarse en éste las procesiones.
Los cristianos (especialmente los católicos romanos y los católicos ortodoxos) manifiestan su fervor religioso en la celebración de los Dolores de Nuestra Señora, incluyendo por ejemplo en la liturgia de la Misa la secuencia del Stabat Mater.
En algunos lugares se le denomina Viernes de Concilio, el cual es tomado como día de ayuno y abstinencia, quedando proscrito el consumo de carnes.
Federico Cantú
Dolorosa 1938
Cantú Y de Teresa Collection
Esta antigua celebración mariana tuvo mucho arraigo en toda Europa y América, y aún hoy muchas de las devociones de la Santísima Virgen del tiempo de Semana Santa, tienen su día festivo o principal durante el Viernes de Dolores, que conmemora los sufrimientos de la Madre de Cristo durante la Semana Santa.
El Concilio Vaticano II consideró, dentro de las diversas modificaciones al calendario litúrgico, suprimir las fiestas consideradas "duplicadas", esto es, que se celebren dos veces en un mismo año; por ello la fiesta primigenia de los Dolores de Nuestra Señora el viernes antes del Domingo de Ramos fue suprimida, siendo reemplazada por la moderna fiesta de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores el 15 de septiembre. Aun así, en la tercera edición del Misal Romano (2000), hay un recuerdo especial a los Dolores de la Santísima Virgen en la celebración ferial de ese día, introducida por San Juan Pablo II.
La Santa Sede y las normas del Calendario Litúrgico contemplan que, en los lugares donde se halle fervorosamente fecunda la devoción a los Dolores de María y en sus calendarios propios sea tenida como fiesta o solemnidad, este día puede celebrarse sin ningún inconveniente con todas las prerrogativas que le son propias. (Cf. Tabla de los días Litúrgicos, Misal Romano)
jueves, 6 de abril de 2017
El Evangelio de Juan es el evangelio canónico en que más asiduamente se cita a los apóstoles. Según Chapman, el Evangelio de Juan menciona nombres de apóstoles 74 veces, contra 50 del Evangelio de Marcos, 43 del Evangelio de Lucas y 40 del Evangelio de Mateo.24 Entre ellas se destacan las siguientes citaciones: 40 veces a Simón Pedro (como Simón, Pedro, Simón Pedro, o Cefas), 5 veces a Andrés, 12 a Felipe, 1 a Judas –no el Iscariote– (probable Judas Tadeo), 7 a Tomás, y 11 a Judas Iscariot.

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